Q: How do I purchase my bus ticket from Irish Concert Travel?

A: All bus tickets can be booked online through our website. You simply select the concert you are travelling to, choose your pick-up point, the number of tickets you need and fill out the relevant information that is required. You can then make payment securely through the website after you review and confirm your booking details.

Q: When will I receive my bus ticket from Irish Concert Travel?

A: You will receive a booking confirmation within a few minutes of making your booking. This confirmation will be emailed to the email address you submitted on your booking. (Please check your spam/junk folders).

Q: Should I print the booking confirmation?

A: You don’t have to print the booking confirmation but we recommend you have a screenshot of the booking confirmation on your phone to show the Irish Concert Travel driver/ representative.

Q: Can I purchase a one-way ticket? 

A: We only sell return bus tickets unless otherwise stated on the booking page of our website. You can use a return bus ticket for one-way travel. Please insert “one-way travel” beside the passengers name when making your booking if this is your requirement.

Q: What is the price of a child bus ticket?

A: Our bus tickets are the same price for everyone. Children must be accompanied by an adult. See our Terms & Conditions for more information.

Q: Can I get a refund on my ticket?

A: You can view our refund policy on our website Terms and Conditions page.

Q: What time should I be at my pickup location? 

A: You should be at the pickup point 15minutes before the scheduled departure time as displayed on your booking confirmation.

Q: How do I find my pickup location? 

A: Check out our Pick-Up Points page. Here you can get directions to your pick-up point.

Q: Can small bags/ backpacks be left on the coach while I am at the event?

A: Yes, you can store your bags on the coach while you are at the event. However, we recommend you do not leave any valuables on the coach. Irish Concert Travel do not take responsibility for any lost or damaged items.

Q: How do I find the coach after the concert has finished?

A: You can meet the coach at the same location that you were dropped off. If you have any difficulty finding the bus, ring the driver asap or text your name and bus number to 0862364040

Q: Will the coach leave without me after the event?

A: Our bus services have scheduled departure times. If you do not return to the bus ten minutes before the scheduled departure time, our driver/ representative will contact the phone number you submitted on your booking. If you cannot be contacted or if you don’t appear to be making an effort to return to the bus, the driver will be instructed to depart from the event at the arranged departure time.

Q: What time frame do I have to return to the bus after the event?

A: Our bus services depart 30 minutes after events end in the 3Arena. Bus services depart 40 minutes after concerts end in larger/ outdoor venues such as: Croke Park, Marlay Park, Phoenix Park, Aviva Stadium, The RDS, Slane Castle, Malahide Castle

Q: Is there a toilet on board the coach or will there be a stop for any comfort breaks?

A: There is toilets on board some of the vehicles we use but not always guaranteed. If there is no toilet on board, the driver will arrange a 15minute comfort break at motorway services for the use of toilets.

Q: Am I allowed to drink alcohol while travelling on the bus?

A: No, alcohol is not permitted on our vehicles but you can store it in the under-floor luggage compartments and take it with you once the coach arrives at the destination.

Q: I still have a question that hasn’t been answered above…. What will I do now?

A: You can email info@irishconcerttravel.ie or text 0862364040

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